consimpfiltta Admin replied

295 weeks ago

One Man's Hero Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

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a5c7b9f00b "One Man's Hero" tells the little-known story of the "St. Patrick's Battalion" or "San Patricios," a group of mostly Irish, and other immigrants of the Catholic religion, who deserted to Mexico after encountering religious and ethnic prejudice in the U.S. Army during the Mexican-American War. The plot centers around the personal story of John Riley, an Irishman who had been a Sergeant in the American Army, who is commissioneda Captain in the Mexican Army, and commands the battalion,he leads his men in battle, and struggles with authorities on both sides of the border.
This is one great film destined to become a classic.<br/><br/>Very absorbing.<br/><br/>The subject matter is one that will get you thinking about why this was never taught in school and what else don't we know because our government thought it better we didn't know.<br/><br/>Will watch this movie again and again!
This is a wonderful, insightful historical drama that is a must see for all history buffs or anyone with an interest in "quality" films. It is unfortunate that so few will be able to view it due to it's limited release and non-existent promotion. When will Hollywood learn that some of us LIKE GOOD movies - not just teenage slasher flicks. LACH55
Has the stuff of a cavalry classic…but it lacks the vision and personality to attain such a level of artistry.

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last edited 217 weeks ago by consimpfiltta
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